Wednesday 30 May 2012

Blog Challenge (1): Introduction & Recent Photo

This is me. Well, I say 'me.' The usual me doesn't look like I'm smuggling a beach ball up my dress but it did say a recent photo & recently, I've been looking like this. I'm Jess; 27 weeks pregnant and carrying a little boy.

I live in Merseyside with my 'partner', Mr C. I say 'partner', he still hasn't put a 'ring on it' and he's way too old to be my boyfriend! ;) I am an adopted scouser; moving here at 18 years old for University, meeting Mr C then never moving back! Much to Mr C's dismay and despair(!), I still have a broad Yorkshire accent which to the amusement of him & his 'Scouse' family, causes me to elongate my vowels in a way that they find hilarious. "Noooooo", it's not funny! However, Yorkshire is still 'home' & a place that I will always love.

At this point, I would love to be able to say something interesting like "I enjoy water skiing, deep sea diving and have climbed Mount Everest twice" but I can't. To be honest, I'm not that interesting... I even had to lie on my University application to say that I was an avid skier and an accomplished horse-rider. I have, once being skiing; that was when I was 10 and on a dry ski slope. To be honest I put the skis on, fell on my arse and spent the rest of the time there! Coupled with the fact my 'accomplished horse-riding career' is more 'donkey rides at Blackpool', I am forced to admit that on paper, I'm a bit of a bore! Realistically, I enjoy: shopping, eating out at restaurants that we cannot afford, watching Corrie with a big bar of chocolate, long bubble baths and talking on the phone. See, not particularly interesting or exciting at all! :)

My blog is to document the journey of my pregnancy. Hopefully one day, when my son is not so little, he'll read it and see how he came to be. (Albeit, not the actually 'coming to be', making bit though! I'll spare him [and you for that matter!] those details!) He'll see his mum before she became a smock-wearing, grey-haired worrying bore and find that; once upon a time, she used to be 'cool' herself!

I hope you enjoy! (& son if you're reading, i totally WAS cool!)

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