On 18th April, 2012 we went along to the hospital for our anomaly scan. We'd decided early on that we'd find out the sex of our baby. Now this was a personal decision for us, I understand that some people like the element of surprise at the end of a pregnancy however I am not a 'surprise' kind of girl! In the run up to Christmas, I have been known to check Mr C's bank statements to see if he's made any extravagant purchases from any of my favourite shops and even search the house for any clues of potential gifts! You can imagine then that from the moment we found out we were parents to be, I couldn't wait to find out whether my bundle of joy was pink or blue!
I'd had feelings all the way through that I was carrying a boy. Some say it's 'mother's intuition', others a lucky coincidence but I was adamant that my bump was blue, especially because of my to my hairy belly which apparently indicates that you're carrying a boy!! I never said this pregnancy lark is attractive ha ha!

The scan went along brilliantly. We were thankfully told that our baby was developing well and growing perfectly. There were no major issues however it took a while to check the heart as the little monkey wouldn't move and kept sticking his bum in the air! Having a walk and a quick trip to the loo meant that baby moved and we finally managed to get a scan picture! It was at this appointment that we also got told... We were having a BOY! As Mr C thought we were having a girl (he likes to disagree with me!) I shouted 'I told you so!' loudly when the sonographer told us!
It was lovely to finally be able to call the bump 'he' and I definitely don't regret finding out. A major peeve of mine, especially before we found out, was people (and by people I mean some that we hardly even know!) passing comment on our choices. We experienced at least 4 or 5 people saying 'What? You're going to find out? Oh no, it ruins it... BLAH BLAH BLAH!' It really annoyed me that people felt they were able to pass comment on our parenting choices before I'd even given birth! Obviously the pregnancy hormones made it worse & I'm beginning to learn to accept that whatever you do, people will always feel that they can comment on your choices, especially where parenting is concerned!
Knowing that a baby boy is growing in my bump has made it all seem more real. Seeing Mr C's reaction to the fact that he had a son was overwhelming & we are literally counting the days till we meet our gorgeous boy!
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