Friday, 27 December 2013

A-Z of Me.

I was tagged by Emma at Crazy with Twins to do an A-Z of me! Here it is; 

A is for: A Whole Nine Months

My blog which, after F, is my second baby. I started it whilst pregnant and it's somehow carried on and we're approaching two years now. I really enjoy the community of blogging and having somewhere to document the hilarity which we call life raising a toddler.

B is for: Bride

On 1st August 2014, I will be a bride!

C is for: C Max

My new car is a Ford C Max. It's my 'fun bus' and my pride and joy!

D is for: Dentist

This is a difficult one for me as even writing the word brings me out in sweats! I have a horrific dental phobia which at times, threatens to rule my life. It's so hard for me as I have no idea what I'm scared of but being unable to pinpoint an exact cause makes it harder for me to understand or overcome. I'm currently having hypnotherapy for the issue and it is my new years resolution to begin to solve the problem! 

E is for: Education

I studied Primary Education at Edge Hill University. I graduated with a 2:1 honors degree in 2011.

F is for: Freddie

Need I say more? He's the star of the show & my whole life. 

G is for: Grandad

I am incredibly close to my Grandad, so much so that I named my son after him! I love him to the moon and back. He's the nicest man I've ever had the pleasure to meet.

H is for: Honeymoon

After our wedding in August (Did I mention I'm getting wed?) we are going on an amazing honeymoon to Cape Verde. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity in the most amazing 5 star hotel. 

I is for: Impatient

I'm incredibly impatient. When I want something doing I will have to do it there and then. I can't stand to wait for anything. I like to think of it as determined and driven however Mr C would probably describe it as bossy and annoying! 

J is for: Jessica

My real name.

K is for: Kite.

Because I couldn't think of anything else!

L is for: Liverpool.

This is where Mr C is from and where we lived pre-F. F was born there so apparently this makes him 50% Scouse however I think he's a Yorkshire man through and through. 

M is for: My Mother

I have the most amazing relationship with my Mum. She really is my best friend. 

N is for: Next

My most favourite shop. I buy literally everything for F from there. I love it!

O is for: Optimist

P is for: People

I'm a people person and love to be surrounded by 'people'. I hate been alone.

Q is for: Questions

I'm very

R is for: Rob

Mr C's real name.

S is for: Slimming World

I am currently on the Slimming World plan & I've lost 3 stones so far!

T is for: Tidy.

I am very tidy and I hate having a messy home. I throw so much stuff away as I can't bear to hoard!

U is for: University

University literally changed my life. Yes I got a degree but I also gained so much more than that. I gained independence, lifelong skills and earnt so much respect for my parents. I was a dreadful teen and our relationship improved so much when I moved away and developed a real appreciation of both of them.

V is for: Vet

I wanted to be a vet when I 'grew up' but I'm scared of or dislike 99% of animals!

W is for: Worrier.

When I can't sleep, I am a hideous worrier. I worry about the most ridiculous things that will never happen!

X is for: X Ray

I've never had one.

Y is for: Yorkshire. 

The place we call home.

Z is for: Zebra.

Because I couldn't think of anything else.

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