Thursday, 30 August 2012

Looking Back over A Whole 9 Months... The Good , The Bad, & The Ugly

I apologise for my lack of posts recently. I have been AWOL again and my days have been taken up with the joys that I believe they call 'nesting.' I believe that I am becomming a lovely homely mother however, Mr C begs to differ and thinks that cleaning the toilet at 2am constitutes as a 'mad woman' not a earth-loving mumsy type!

 As I mentioned in my previous blog post, I am now less than one week away from Baby C's due date and with this comes the reflection of the last 9 months and it got me wondering; what will I miss when i'm no longer a firm member of the 'Pregnant Lady Club'?

Laugh as you may, I firmly believe that there is some sort of unspoken 'Pregnant Lady Club'. Not a Hogwarts for ladies carrying life, but a 'look' or an acknowledging smile that says 'Hang on in there fellow pregnant lady, I feel your pain!' Mr C finds it highly ammusing that I like to grin like a cheshire cat at any fellow mummy to be but I feel that being part of that exclusive unity of women is a lovely feeling and one that I will miss!

What else will I miss?

The good...

Carrying my child inside of me - Knowing that my body is nurturing my son and will soon deliver him into this world is most truely the wonderful blessing. The bond that you experience from the moment you find out about the little bean right up to times when you can actually see little limbs flailing about inside of you, like something out of Alien, is magical. The blessing of carrying and nurturing a life inside of your body is quite simply, the most beautiful thing you could possibly experience and I will forever count my blessings that I was priviliged enough to experience it.

Having the 'pregnant lady' excuse! - 'You'll have to drive; i'm pregnant.' 'I'll have another slice of cheesecake; i'm pregnant'. 'Can you run me a bath?; i'm pregnant'. 'Can you take the bin out?; i'm pregnant'. 'Can you massage my feet?; i'm pregnant'. Mr C is well deserving of a medal of some sort, in fact, get that man a Blue Peter badge!

Talking about my 'baby.' - Since being pregnant and having a bump that actually looks like a baby bump and not just the result of too many hob nobs, I have been inundated with questions and comments about my pregnancy and the baby that is growing inside of me. Wherever you go, be it work, the checkouts at Asda or even in the queue in the petrol station, people love to ask all about your bump and well, as a very proud mummy-to-be, I love talking all about him! I used to laugh at mothers that talked non-stop about their children however I hold up my hands 'I am one of THOSE mothers!'.

Having lovely hair & clear skin! - Since being pregnant, i've been blessed with a glossy thick mane of hair and my skin has not seen even a hint of a pimple since those two little pink lines flashed before my eyes. Hopefully (fingers crossed!) this is a change that is here to stay post-pregnancy but knowing my luck, a big mount vesuvius sized monstrostery is getting ready to rear it's ugly head... right in the middle of my forehead!

The bad...

I have been blessed with a reletively stress-free pregnancy and I am thankful for the love and support that I have been showered with during the past 9 months. There have been no 'bad' aspects whatsoever; how can there be when the outcome is the most perfect gift you could be given? However, I'd be lying if I said that there weren't things that I wouldn't miss!

Being a human pin cushion - Prior to pregnancy, I was a TOTAL needle-phobe. Nowadays, I am that used to being prodded and poked that it has become a long standing joke between Mr C & I that the hospital have some sort of secret mission to stab me with as many needles as possible. Repeat GTT's, conflicting rubella immunity results... the list is endless and has resulted in tons of needles!

My bladder shrinking to the size of a pea! - I will not miss this. 12 trips to the bathroom last night, i kid you not! The only plus side is that we have an en-suite so I don't need to go to far to empty my pea bladder but it's most definitely not a highlight of pregnancy!

& finally, The Ugly!  Beautiful!
Stretchmarks - Some may say these are ugly but truth be told, i've grown fairly proud of my 'tiger stripes' over thre last few weeks. They are a sign that i've nurtured my son and provided him with a home throughout the lastnine months. Pregnancy has been a blessing and my body has created the most precious gift I could have possibly wished for therefore I aren't going to see my stretch marks as ugly. They are part of me. Yes, I won't be wearing a bikini or auditioning for Miss World anytime soon, I may have days where I feel like a slob and mourn my pre-pregnancy body but I have a new found appreciation of my body... it gave my son life and for that, I will always be thankful (no matter how saggy it is!).

Monday, 27 August 2012

Pregnancy Post: 39 Weeks

I can not believe that I am now less than one week away from our due date! The time has absolutely flown!

Here is my GINORMOUS bump at 39 weeks.

So what's going on this week?

Your baby

Your baby is still putting on weight - and the new body fat will help regulate their body temperature after the birth.

Your little one’s eyes will be well formed, but they won’t be able to focus just yet. The eyes will continue to develop after the first few weeks after the birth.


You may have backache and are probably feeling restless and eager to meet your baby. You may even have decided on a name by now.

Some women experience diarrhoea as their body is getting ready for the birth. Clearing the back passage will make your baby’s journey easier. If it lasts for more than a day, speak to your GP or doctor.

You might be experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions; this is a sign of your body gearing up for labour. Some women describe them as tightening, or like period cramps. If the 39 weeks pregnant cramping becomes regular, then you may be having contractions. These will increase in intensity and may occur every 15 minutes.

Have you noticed an increase in vaginal discharge? If you have a mucus discharge with a little blood, this is the jelly-like plug that seals the cervix called the ‘show’.

What to think about

Make sure your hospital bag is ready to go. Some things you might find handy are a bag of small change (for parking and vending machines), camera and something to read.

Practise the relaxation techniques that you have picked up from your antenatal classes with your birthing partner.

Have a look over your birthing plan with your partner. Do you want to make any changes? If want to make amendments, discuss this with your midwife?

Friday, 17 August 2012

Pregnancy Post: 38 Weeks

This week sees the start of Week 38!

Maternity clothes: I am MASSIVE! Baby C is just raring to pop out and at approximately 10lbs already, i'm resembling a baby hippo! I am living in maxi dresses, leggings and Mr C's Captain America dressing gown!

Stretch marks: My tiger stripes have well and truely appeared. I thought that i'd avoided them and initially, I was horrifed when they appeared but I am now very much comfortable with them and see them as my permenant reminder that i've carried and nurtured a miricle in my body and I should be bloody well proud of that!

Sleep... is far and few between. My bladder seems to explode as soon as I lie down however, I am grateful for the fact that, even though I have to get up 4 or 5 times a night to go for a wee, I am able to go straight back to bed rather than having to feed a screaming baby!

Best moment this week: Finding out that I am 2cm dilated already and my cervix is partially effaced. We came to the decision that I will go for a vaginal birth rather than an elective section which is what i'd hoped for. Even though baby C's predicted birth weight is more than 4.5kg, the consultant said that there should be no reason to at least attempt for a vaginal birth which is good news!

Movement: Lots and often painful. He likes to party all night (like his mummy in previous times!) and I often wake up to find Mr C playing games with him during the night! Lets see if he's so keen to entertain him during the night when he arrives!

Food cravings: None.

Gender: Still a boy!

Labor Signs: I had a sweep on Wednesday and found that I am 2cm dilated so hopefully he should be making an arrival sooner rather than later. The hospital has said that I will not be allowed to go over my due date (31st August) so I am safe in the knowledge that in 2 weeks, he will be here in my arms!

Belly Button in or out: A bit of both dependent on where he is!

What I miss: This week I am thinking more about what I will miss rather than what I currently miss. In 2 weeks I will no longer be 'pregnant'. In reflection, I have had a lovely pregnancy and although i'd much rather be a mummy & have my boy here, I will miss being pregnant!

What I am looking forward to: his arrival!

Weekly Wisdom: Enjoy your maternity leave whilst you can. I have been off 2 weeks now and have completely spring cleaned my house, met up with friends, had lots of lazy days, watched a whole abundance of films that i've been meaning to watch for months, laid in till 10am and tomorrow, me and Mr C are going on a romantic date (on the proviso that I don't go into labour tonight!!).

Milestones: 2 weeks today & i'll either be in labour, or nursing my son in my arms! Fab!

Saturday, 11 August 2012

Pregnancy Post: Signs of Labour

As I am 37 weeks pregnant, chances are, in the very near future, I will go into labour. One of my big worries is that I will not know when I am in labour. People have said 'you'll know' however this does nothing to put my over-hormonal mind at rest!! What are the signs? So this post is more so for me, to put my mind at rest and remind me of the signs of labour starting.

Am I in labour?

Everyone worries about whether they will know they are in labour. If this is your first baby, it’s easy to think ‘this is it,’ only to find you are just getting ready for the birth. Here's some tips to help you recognise signs of labour:

In the week or so before labour you may notice:

  • An increase in vaginal discharge.
  • The appearance of the ‘show’, the jelly like plug of mucus that seals the cervix during pregnancy. 
  • A need to get things finished and ready – the so-called ‘nesting instinct’. 
  • Feeling quite emotional; crying for no real reason as your hormones get to you. 
  • A sense that you don’t want to be far from home. 
  • A mild dose of diarrhoea. This is Nature’s way of clearing out your lower bowel before labour begins. 
  • Braxton Hicks contractions that feel like tightening or period pains.  Find out more about Braxton Hicks here.

Here are labour signs that you may notice:

  • The ‘show’ (if it has not come away earlier).
  • The waters breaking, either in a gush or a gradual trickle.
  • Low back pain as the baby settles well down, which may turn into...
  • Regular contractions that could feel like period pains or tightening pains across your bump.   Find out more about contractions here.

The waters

Your unborn baby floats in amniotic fluid, a straw-coloured liquid, mainly consisting of water. Labour begins, for some women, with the waters breaking.

If the waters go with a gush, contact your midwife or hospital. You may be asked to go into hospital so that they can check that the baby is well. It will help your midwife if you can remember when the waters broke, roughly how much fluid there was (an egg cup full, a coffee cup full?) and what colour it was. Amniotic fluid is usually pale. If it is green or has black bits in it, this may show that the baby is, or has been, in distress.

If the waters trickle out, it can be hard to decide if they have gone. Put a sanitary pad on and, if it is wet after an hour, it’s probably the waters leaking. Smell the pad; urine smells, amniotic fluid doesn’t. If you are still not sure, contact your midwife or the hospital. Your midwife can do a vaginal examination and test the fluid.

Friday, 10 August 2012

Baby Shower Gift Ideas

I posted recently about my baby shower. If you've not yet read it, find it here.

As I said, I was 'showered' with lots of lovely gifts and I was astounded by the sheer generosity of my guests, especially seen as lots of them had already bought gifts throughout the pregnancy for the baby. I am truely blessed with extrememly kind, supportive and thoughtful friends and family and I was overwhelmed with the love I encountered on the day!

I am VERY fussy. It is common knowledge amongst my family and friends that I am particular about things and they knew that I'd already bought all of baby C's things that he needs (and more!) therefore they decided between themselves that they would by gifts for me rather than the baby. A common occurance from all my friends and something that kept cropping up in conversation was the difficulty of knowing what to buy as a gift. A new 'fad', many of them had never been to a baby shower before therefore wasn't aware of what the 'done' thing was, so to speak. I was over the moon with all the gifts that I recieved therefore they obviously did something right!

Here are some gift ideas...
  • Smellies for both mum & baby - This is always a fail safe idea and perfect gift for any occasion. I received quite a few luxury smelly sets and seen as I am shortly going to be run off my feet caring for baby, I will very much appreciate having a soak with some of these gorgeous smellies!

  • Jewellery - I am the proud owner of a Juicy Couture charm bracelet so was overjoyed to receive a baby bottle charm from my brother and his girlfriend. If the mummy-to-be has a bracelet of this type then it would be a lovely gift idea. My mum has a Pandora bracelet and received a baby pram charm as a gift from my dad which is also a lovely sentimental gift idea.

  • Nappy Cakes - I received two of these and I can honestly say, they are wonderful. One was homemade and the otehr bought but they were both equally lovely. My friend that made hers, said it worked out as expensive as buying one however, if you can make one then it is more personalised. Looking online there seems to be lots available with many different items. The ones that I recieved contained, blankets, nappies, wipes, muslins, socks etc etc so will prove very useful when baby arrives!

Other gift ideas include:

  • Candles - I received lots of lovely aromatheraphy candles for after baby is born.
  • Decorative Items - Gifts such as photo frames and ornaments are a fab gift. I was given two 'Willow Tree' ornaments (both pregnancy/baby related) which will prove sentimental and a great keep-sake.
  • Flowers & chocolates- who doesn't love receiving flowers & chocolates?!
I hope that this has provided a small inspiration and proved a help if you are debating over what to buy as a baby shower gift!

Pregnancy Post: 37 Weeks & expecting a WHOPPER!

Today, I am 37 Weeks pregnant and officially classed as full term meaning my little man could be born any day now. How exciting!

Although reaching this momentous milestone is the most exciting feeling in the world, this week has been full of turmoil after finding out that baby C is already weighing in at around 8lbs 12oz and having to make the decision of how he will be birthed. More about that further in the post.

So without further ado, here's what's going on this week...

Your baby

  • Your baby is now around 50cm long, weighing about 6.5lb (*or 8lbs 12oz in baby C's case!!!!!*), and could be moving down into your pelvis as it gets ready for birth.
  • The head could be pressing on your pelvic floor, making it increasingly uncomfortable to walk. Never mind - you won't have to suffer for much longer!
  • Your baby is still gaining weight and this is more noticeable in the tummy and limbs. At this stage they will look pretty much the same as when they are born.


  • You may feel less pressure on your chest and stomach if your baby moves down into your pelvis – this can make breathing and eating easier, but you might find walking more uncomfortable.
  • From this week, Braxton Hicks contractions could become more frequent, these may feel like period cramps. If you are experiencing severe 37 weeks pregnant pain, contact your midwife or GP.
  • Some women experience diarrhoea as their body gets ready for the birth. Clearing the back passage will make your baby’s journey easier. If it lasts for more than a day, speak to your GP or doctor.
  • Don’t worry if your belly button is protruding, it’s caused by your growing uterus and will go back to normal a few months after pregnancy.

What to think about

  • You may start to worry about how you will know know when you’re in labour. Find out more about the signs of labour.
  • Get your hospital bag together even if you’re having a home birth.
  • Make the most of your maternity leave by thinking ahead. Make a list of the people who you’d like to contact after the birth of your baby, rustle up a few meals which can be frozen or get a few natural remedies in (like Arnica to help with bruising and pain).

37 weeks - our experiences

As I've previously mentioned, we have had to go for numerous additional growth scans throughout this pregnancy as Baby C has always measured a few weeks ahead of dates. This hasn't given us much cause for concern although the consultant who we have seen has thrown around some suggestions of an elective Cesarean or induction throughout the pregnancy so it has always been there in the back of our minds as a possibility.

Initially, I had my heart set on a water birth with gas and air as pain relief although I certainly aren't under the illusion that you are not a real woman or your labour is not as successful if you opt for the so called 'harder' pain relief such as an epidural. I tried to keep an open mind as to that all labours are different and it is extremely difficult to plan for as the whole process can change within a second. On the other hand, I must say, I am a tiny bit disappointed that a water birth is not at all a possibility now.

The dilemma started when I went for a final growth scan at 36+5 on Wednesday. Mr C was having difficulties getting the time off work so I went along with my mum already expecting that, as on all other other occasions, baby C would be measuring large for dates. Well that he was! The sonographer told me that estimated foetal weight was 8lbs 12oz. At first, I thought she meant that was his predicted birth weight at 40 weeks however, no, she went on to explain that was his weight now! On viewing of the scan report, we found that baby C, who has always been near to the 95th centile with his growth, is now above the line and off the report, measuring at 41weeks & 5days! EEEEK!

I am attempting to take some comfort from the fact that these scans can be wrong however I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little bit anxious at the prospect that I may have to birth a 11 or 12lb baby! The consultant shared my worries along with the fact that my liqua levels were now classed as polyhydromnious and my mum's history of diagnosed Cephalopelvic Disproportion and was anxious as to whether baby C would get stuck or not and whether an elective C-Section would be the best option. To say she was baffled with the situation was an understatement. She asked for my opinion but I honestly do not have a clue as to what to do for the best. I have sought advice from so many people but at the end of the day, that final decision is down to me.

The consultant explained that early induction isn't a possibility as he's already so big that if he was to get stuck, he would now anyway. This baffled me slightly as surely it would be easier to labour now than in a few weeks?! She said that there is no way that they would allow me to go over 40 weeks so I am safe in the knowledge that, no matter how he arrives, I will have my son in my arms within the next 3 weeks.

So where do we stand at the minute? Well, after lots of deliberations; scratched heads; baffled expressions and sleepless nights, we are no further to making a decision. What's to say I cannot give birth to a 11lb baby? Many women do. However, what if baby C gets stuck and becomes distressed and I could have prevented that by opting for an elective c-section? As long as my baby is safe, I am not bothered about my well-being. As a mother, his safety is my main priority although I am still in the dark as to what is the safest option for him.

I have another meeting with the consultant on Wednesday where the consultant will perform an internal examination to see how 'favourable' my cervix is. The decision on whether an elective c-section is performed will then stem from there after much discussion between myself, Mr C and the consultant.

I am trying not to worry and take reassurance in the fact that, this time in 3 weeks, it will all be over and my boy will be laid happily in my arms. Ultimately, this is all that matters and when I see his (not so tiny!) face and kiss his gorgeous button nose, the stress, turmoil and angst that I have experienced over the last few weeks will be all worthwhile!

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

My Baby Shower

I posted recently to say that i'd been planning my baby shower with the help of my mum. Well, Saturday was the day that the fun and games took part and it was a lovely day and a definite highlight of my pregnancy.

Here is me enjoying the day in the sun with my 36 week bump! We were very lucky that the weather was on our side most of the day and we managed to sit in my mum's garden and soak up a few rays!

I was 36 + 1 weeks on the day of the baby shower. Usually, it is advised to plan them for between 30-38 weeks and we did previously intend for it to take place a few weeks before however, life as it does, got in the way and it ended up falling last weekend. I didn't do anything too strenuous and, as it was at my mum's house, I didn't have to play host so it was a lovely chance to relax and enjoy some lovely company. I certainly wouldn't recommend having a baby shower any later than 36 weeks however it's obviously a personal preference and depends solely on how mummy-to-be feels!

As I said, it was held at my mum's house. This was simply for the sole reason that I live an hour away from all of my friends and family so it made more sense for me to travel there rather than 15/20 people travel down the M62. Space was also an issue in my little apartment so the logistics all pointed towards holding it in the family home. We sat in the garden for most of the day and then moved into the living room where mum had made sure she had lots of chairs, sofas and beanbags.

We didn't really have a theme of the day however, as we knew that I am expecting a baby boy, we bought lots of blue decorations so I suppose you could say that was the theme. I recommend Ebay for sourcing baby shower decorations as both myself and my mum found it a great struggle to get hold of anything baby shower related in any of the high street shops. You would think that with baby showers becomming ever so popular, these companies would cotton onto the idea however it seems that they still aren't mainstream enough. If you don't know what you are expecting or want to keep it a suprise then there are plenty of gender neutral decorations available online.

Other themes that you could do are; teddy bears picnic, english tea party, cupcake theme or flowers. I certainly don't think it's necessary to use a theme and I don't really think that your guests will care either way!

As it wasn't taking place at my house, I left the food preperation to my mum. As a professional chef, she was in her element and whipped up lasagna, stuffed potatoes and a range of salads/pastas. As the baby shower took place from 2pm - 6pm, we served the food at 5pm so wanted to ensure that it was more 'meal' like rather than a buffet. Other options could be finger foods which may have been easier however it is optional to provide food and you could simply opt for desserts or nibbles such as crisps. I know that none of my guests certainly expected such a lovely meal so if you are looking at keeping costs down, then do not fear if you can't provide a vast array of food. Alternatively, you could ask each guest to bring a platter of something which would enable you to provide food but cut the expense.

For desserts, we had my lovely Auntie who made Mars Bar cheesecake which was a firm favourite and a kind friend of mine who lovingly made a cake.

As well as lots of chat & catching up, we played a few games to break the afternoon up. If you look online, you will see lots of games available to purchase for around £3 to £4 per game however, it you have access to a printer, you can print off the same games for free! We played:

  • Baby Bingo
  • Baby Charades
  • Old wives tales - Girl or Boy Quiz
  • What do you call a baby...? (Animal quiz)
These can all be found by simply searcing on Google and printing off. Cheap and easy! Just a tip: Make sure you've got enough pens for all your guests as this was something we'd forgot and we had a mad scramble to find them! We bought little gifts for the winners such as smelly sets and chocolates (and maybe a few bottles of wine thrown in there for the non pregnant ladies!).

Another idea which went down a treat was that of baby shower favours. Of course, favours are optional and initially, I thought that it was a bit 'weddingy', however I felt that I wanted a way to thank my guests and commemorate the day. Looking online, there are lots of options that you can buy however this could prove expensive and impersonal. Instead, I made biscuits (well I lie, my friend made the biscuits!) and I wrapped them and wrote thank you tags.

I simply wrapped love heart shaped biscuits in clear cellophane (that i'd recycled from my maternity leave flowers!), tied with blue curling ribbon and added a tag that i'd cut out of a baby gift bag. Cheap and simple and a lovely touch to finish of the day and thank my guests.

I would most definitely recommend a baby shower to any expectant mummy-to-be, especially if you can get someone else to host if for you! I received some gorgeous gifts which I will show you in a future post.

Did you have a baby shower? How did you find it?

Friday, 3 August 2012

Planning 'The Ultimate Baby Shower'...

It's been a while since I wrote my last blog post so I send my apologies if anyone actually noticed that I'd gone AWOL for a while! There's no particularly extravagant reason for my absence; it's my first week of maternity leave and I've been taking full advantage of spending my days lazing around, so much so I lost all momentum to do anything other than lie on the couch eating endless packets of biscuits! However... I am back!

This weekend is going to be an exciting one as it is my baby shower. Baby showers are becomming more and more common and, when my mum mentioned hosting one, well who am I to turn down a day of lovely food, cakes, company and presents!

In some countries, a baby shower is a way to celebrate the pending or recent birth of a child by presenting gifts to the parents at a party. The term "shower" is often assumed to mean that the expectant mother is "showered" with gifts. Traditionally, baby showers were given only for the family's first child, and only women were invited. The original intent was for women to share wisdom and lessons on the art of becoming a mother.

My mum was keen to host and plan my baby shower as she didn't want to put any extra stress on me in the last few weeks of my pregnancy however, as a self-confessed control freak, I couldn't resist sticking my two penneth' in and taking care of some of the preperations! I've never even attended a baby shower so didn't really know what the event consisted of however, the website, proved a valuable tool and allowed the organisation to go without a hitch!

When should you have a baby shower?
There isn't a set rule as to when you should hold a shower however most take place between 30 and 38 weeks pregnant, with the majority at 35 weeks. Most women feel that they still have enough energy to enjoy it at this point. I'm 36 weeks pregnant although I still feel that I will be able to relax and make the most of being 'showered.'

If you are unsure or superstitious, it is fine to wait until after baby arrives and have a 'Welcome to the World' party. It gives everyone the chance to meet and greet the new arrival. This is something that we will possibly do once baby C arrives however I am going to make the most of having lots of attention lavished on me before baby arrives!

Where should I hold it?
The question of where to have the baby shower is often the trickiest and the one that can potentially put people off before they even start. It needn’t be complicated, this is where you really need to consider mummy-to-be and what her preferences would be.If it isn’t a surprise event then ask her what she would like. The majority of requests we receive are for relaxed, informal and cosy surroundings – think comfy sofas and mini tables in a library rather than a large chandelier clad ballroom!If the host or a close friend or family member has a large enough living room then job done! Baby showers at home are the most popular but don’t allow mummy-to-be to do any clearing up.If you would like a venue then the possibilities are endless. Venues can cater for afternoon teas, lunches, evening meals, buffets or cocktail parties – too much choice we know! Consider how formal you’d like to make it and go from there.

Baby shower themes are all well and good if you have the time and inclination to think of one and can handle putting this in to practice from invitations through to decorations etc. It can look beautiful if done properly or it can look terribly tacky if not executed with some sense of proportion!

If you would like a specific theme to carry through from invitations to thank you cards then these need not be too taxing. A teddy bears picnic theme is always a winner - red gingham table cloths, picnic baskets filled with scrummy teddy bear cookies, vases or jugs of wild flowers, not to mention the all important favourite teddy bears to accompany each guest. The teddy bears picnic theme always evokes those childhood memories and can look utterly charming.

The classic baby boy or girl themes can look lovely and will leave guests in no doubt as to what is cooking in mummy’s oven so to speak! Or a simple flower theme or cupcake theme can look very pretty.

Do I have to provide food?
Catering for a baby shower doesn't need to be a headache. The dishes you serve will depend on what you are trying to achieve.The most popular baby shower events we organise are afternoon teas. These usually last 2 to 3 hours with chatting and games being the main focus. The food usually consists of a variety of finger foods with some eye-catching desserts thrown in.

Games to play...
Some people cringe at the very idea of playing games at a baby shower whereas others think that games are what the baby shower is all about. Not a fan of the 'what poo (chocolate) is in the nappy?' game (Google it, Yak!), we have decided to play Baby Bingo, Baby  Charades and a couple of quiz games. These were all printed for free from Google quickly and easily.

More information can be found on

This is NOT a sponsored post. I simply found the website VERY useful and thought that anyone planning their baby shower could eliminate lots of headache by using it! I will post pictures and let you know how the day goes.

Pregnancy Post: 35 Weeks

35 weeks pregnant

What's happening this week...
baby 35 weeks pregnant pictures

Your baby

  • Your baby is around 47cm long now and weighs around 5lb. He or she is still gaining weight, and has lungs that are almost fully developed.
  • The pupils will now dilate in reaction to light coming into your tummy.
  • Your baby will be practising the suckling action, so they are ready to feed when born.


  • You could have a sudden burst of energy over the next few weeks – but don’t overdo it. You may start to feel uncomfortable if the baby’s weight presses on the nerves in your legs and pelvis.
  • As you gain weight, you might notice that you’re starting to waddle or lean back when you walk down hill. It’s normal for a change in pace at this late stage too.
  • If you always feel full after a few mouthfuls, this is because your stomach has been squashed. Eat small amounts often as you may find this easier and more comfortable.
  • You might be experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions. 35 weeks pregnant contractions are a sign of your body gearing up for labour. Some women describe them as tightening, or like period cramps. They usually last for less than a minute but can happen several times a day.
  • In the last few weeks leading up to labour you may notice an increase in vaginal discharge. If you have a mucus discharge with a little blood, this is the jelly-like plug that seals the cervix, which is called the 'show'.

What to think about

  • It is safe to drive at this late stage of pregnancy, but make sure that your seat belt is placed beneath your bump. Find out more about driving safety during pregnancy.
  • Why not visit the hairdresser this week? It might be easier to get a good cut now rather than when you have a newborn. It could help with your relaxation too!
  • It’s never to early to think about childcare if you’re planning to go back to work. Find out what options are available to you.
  • Try to stay active. Swimming or walking are gentle exercises that might help you alleviate stress and keep your body in top shape for labour.
35 weeks: My experiences

I'd be lying if I said that this week has been a walk in the park, it hasn't. It's been a pain in the bloody arse! I'm trying not to moan and to simply enjoy the last few weeks of my pregnancy and not wish the time away but i'm really feeling it now!

I've had awful ear ache and feel knackered! Luckily this week so the start of my maternity leave so I'm taking full advantage of been able to rest before the little man arrives. My nesting instinct has gone into overdrive and i'm either laid on the couch eating endless packets of biscuits or frantically scrubbing my cooker! Pregnancy hormones, don't you just love them!?

Mr C is practically bursting at the seams; he can't wait to meet his son! We are all prepared for his arrival so now we are playing the ultimate waiting game!

Pregnancy Post: 34 Weeks

I've missed quite a few of these over the last few weeks so without further ado, here is my Pregnancy Post: 34 Weeks.

Your baby now weighs more than 2.2kg and is 45cm from top to toe. She's filling out and getting rounder – she’ll need her fat layers later to regulate her body temperature once she's born.
If you don't already talk to your baby, this is a good time to start – at 35 weeks her hearing is fully developed. Don't feel ridiculous if you're already chatting in baby talk. Some evidence shows that newborns pay closer attention to high-pitched tones.

If you've been nervous about going into
premature labour, you'll be happy to know that 99 per cent of babies born at week 35 can survive outside the uterus (womb) – and most have no major problems. Although your baby's central nervous system is still maturing, her lungs are nearly fully developed by now.

Many women start to notice a tingling sensation or numbness in the pelvic region or pain as they walk. This may be caused by the pelvic joints loosening, ready for labour. If you're in pain or
hips are sore, mention it to your midwife or doctor and check out our self-help tips.
This week I also had my 34 antenatal check up with the consultant and my 2nd Anti D injection. Baby C is still measuring bigger and, as a result of the growth scan last week, they have found that I am carrying too much water. This meant I needed a TORCH blood test to check for infection. I'm STILL waiting for the results but feel much more positive and trying not to constantly worry!

As I said, this was also the week that I had to have my 2nd Anti D injection.

What is Anti D?

All rhesus negative (RhD-negative) mums-to-be are recommended to have an anti-D injection between 28 weeks and 30 weeks of pregnancy. Your midwife will have carried out a routine blood test at your booking appointment to find out your rhesus status.

You're advised to have the anti-D, in case the baby you are carrying has a positive rhesus status (RhD positive). This will mean there's a mismatch between your rhesus status and your baby's rhesus status.

pregnancy and birth there are times when your baby's blood may mix with yours. This could happen as a result of a small bleed from the placenta. Even if there's no mixing of bloods during pregnancy, your blood and your baby's blood will almost certainly come into contact during birth.

When your body detects your baby's blood within your circulation, it will treat it as a foreign invader. Your immune system will produce antibodies to destroy blood from your baby that it finds in your circulation.

This means that your body will become sensitised to RhD-positive blood. Your antibodies won't harm your unborn baby. But, if you become pregnant again, the fact that your body is already sensitised could be a problem for your second baby.

Here's why: once your immune system has made antibodies, it will be fast to react next time it detects RhD-positive blood. So if your second baby is also RhD-positive, your body will already know how to make antibodies in the event of another mix of bloods.

Your antibodies may cross the placenta and attack your second baby's blood, causing a condition called haemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN). HDN can lead to your baby developing anaemia,
jaundice and even liver and heart problems.

HDN can be prevented by an anti-D injection. The injection stops your body from becoming sensitised to RhD-positive blood. Anti-D destroys any blood from your RhD-positive baby before your body has a chance to make antibodies.

Anti-D is made from the plasma of human blood, given by donors. The manufacture of blood products, including anti-D, is strictly controlled. All donors are screened for
hepatitis B and hepatitis C, and HIV, and blood is only imported from countries that are free of variant CJD. The chance of contracting a virus through anti-D has been estimated to be one in 10,000 billion doses.

Occasionally, anti-D can cause a local reaction at the site of the injection or an allergic reaction, but this is rare. Just in case, your midwife may advise you to stay in the clinic for 20 minutes after having the injection.

The only circumstances in which you may not need the anti-D injection are if:
  • You are opting to be sterilised or you are certain that you won't have any more children.

  • You are certain that your baby's dad is RhD-negative, making it impossible for you to conceive an RhD-positive baby.
But if there is any possibility that you may become pregnant again, it's best to have the anti-D injection.

I feel at this point, that I should most definitely mention that these injections DO NOT HURT! As a complete and utter needle phobe, I was petrified at the prospect of having these injections. Idiotically, I 'Googled' are Anti D injections painful? and it seemed that EVERYONE said how much they hurt. I asked my midwife friend and even she agreed that they were very uncomfortable. This led to much horror and dread on my behalf when actually, I couldn't even feel it! I opted to have the needle in my bum cheek so maybe it was the raised levels of fat on my backside but I want to assure anyone who's come across this blog post by Googling the same questions, DO NOT WORRY! :)